Oracle Priestess of the Great Mother, Soul Healer, Alchemist
Herbal plant medicine is REAL Magic. The plants offer so much to our body and energetic systems. I find my body and those who are using my products to have an increased sensitivity to whatever the plant offers. It is a two-way experience, we get to know the plant, they get to know us. We are all calibrating to each other for a sublime experience of child-like wonder and amazement of the magic in the Plant Queendom.
Optimal health, ease of movement, quicker recovery from illnesses, joy and connection, Plants will help you in so many ways enjoy your life more.
My spiritual practices and spiritual lineages
I honor the Source, which is really only One, the Unity of All that is Known and Unknown.
I bow to the direct teachings of the Divine Feminine, emanating from our primordial mother, I call The Creatrix, Holy Sophia, Inanna/Ishtar, Brigid, Mary Magdalene and all Her other forms and the Divine Masculine in all of His forms. I bow to the love that is Mother Earth, Mother Nature and the Plant Queendom.
I meditate daily, which is really me in half-lotus facing east with the rising sun, in silent rapture. Sometimes tears come, sometimes laughter, sometimes profound stillness. I tend my Divine Feminine altars throughout my home and garden with incense, candles and singing and drumming. I walk in Nature and observe and listen. I see beauty everywhere.
I hold the frequency of the Blue Flame of Soul Healing & the Divine Feminine Archetype of Inanna/Ishtar, Goddess of the Integrated Soul. I am a direct channel for the Divine Feminine Wisdom of Holy Sophia and offer you to know Her within yourself. ​
My life-long relationship to the art of creating things began as a child in my rural Pennsylvania hometown. I came to study spiritual psychology at California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco, with a specialty in Expressive Arts Therapy and never left the area. I am a licensed psychotherapist and couples therapist with a private practice. I have taught at two different graduate schools and am a group supervisor of Marriage and Family Therapist Associates at The Couples Center.
I love holding space for others to explore how creativity can expand their realities.
I call myself a Compulsive-Creative. I must paint, dance, write, make jewelry, arrange mandalas on the beach. I have photographed portraits in Pittsburgh, PA, threw pots in San Francisco, carved marble in Greece, prayed mantras in India, cried under a bush next to the Black Madonna in Spain and sang songs to the stones in Ireland.
I offer you my creativity now, in the form of herbs, flowers, oils and spirit alchemy.
I have had the privilege of studying and/or practicing with many talented and gifted herbalists, healers, spiritual teachers, priestess sisters and psychotherapists.
I honor their wisdom and their dedication to the path of health and well-being. Special gratitude to: Kate August & Colleen Bingham of California School of
Herbal Studies, Brittany Wilson of Original Instructions School, Elizabeth Patric of Spiritwater Gardens, Connie Vivaros & Wendy Gayle of Angels Emerging,
Miguel Ruiz, Maureen St. Germain, Drunlvalo Melchizedek, Richard Rudd, My SoulTribe & Gene Key Sisters, April Aronoff & Paige Barrows of the Triskele Priestesses, White Star of Flower Eagle Medicine Lodge, Francis Rico of Shamanzone, Daniel Scranton on Channeling, Alphedia Arara & Auraengus Manu of Elemental Beings, Ariel Spilsbury of the Avalonian-Celtic 13 Moons Mystery School and all my Avalonian Sisters, Cyndi Dale on Medical Intuitive Healing, Danielle Dulsky on Writing
& Ritual, Charles Ridley on Sacred Body Rites, AmmaBagavan and Oneness University, Olusesan Oyenuga on Psycho-Spiritual-Sexual Healing, Shri Kaleshar and
Shri Sai Baba of Divine Mother Center, Diana, Scott Shimibukuro on Solution-focused Family Therapy, Sue Johnson and all her trainers in Emotionally-focused Couples Therapy, Mary Ruth Cross, Rebecca Roth and Ben Goldstone.
I give deep gratitude to the native tribes of the Ohlone, Miwok & Pomo.
Blessed Be.